Axure Cloud

Import Adobe XD Designs into Axure
Attention Adobe users! Download the new Axure plugin for Adobe XD to import your designs into Axure RP or export them directly to Axure Cloud!

Embed Axure Prototypes in Jira Tickets
Does your team use Jira? Us too. And we know how much a prototype can clarify a ticket, especially if it’s embedded directly in the page.
That’s exactly what the new Axure Cloud app for Jira lets you do: Paste a prototype’s shareable link into a ticket to embed the fully functional prototype right in Jira.

Publishing Prototypes for Multiple Audiences
Did you know that you can publish an RP file to multiple Axure Cloud links? This can be helpful when you want to maintain different versions of a prototype for different audiences, such as your design team, your developers, and your stakeholders.

Managing Axure Prototypes and Sketch Assets on Axure Cloud
Now that you can host Sketch assets right alongside Axure RP projects on Axure Cloud, how do you manage it all? We’ve put together a few tips and best practices based on conversations with customers as well as how we use Axure Cloud here at Axure HQ.

Axure Cloud for Business — On Your Servers or Ours
With the release of Axure RP 9, we’re upgrading our on-premises enterprise server with the changes and features of the new Axure Cloud and offering a new Axure-hosted option. We’re calling this upgraded solution Axure Cloud for Business.

New in Axure Cloud: Build Prototypes from Sketch and Image Files
Axure has always worked to facilitate communication between software professionals through interactive prototyping. For most of our history, that has meant building prototypes in Axure RP. But now with Axure Cloud's new Build feature, anyone can create interactive prototypes from Sketch and image files right in the web browser!

New in Axure Cloud: Publish Artboards from Sketch
The Axure Cloud desktop app allows you to publish artboards from Sketch directly to Axure Cloud. Now you can share and inspect your designs right alongside your team's Axure RP prototypes — whether you use Axure RP or not. And with the new Build feature, you can turn your Sketch artboards into interactive prototypes without ever leaving Axure Cloud!

New in Axure Cloud: Inspect Your Designs
Project overviews for RP 9 files now include a thumbnail preview of each page; and you can extract style and layout information from the widgets in your designs.